This is my complete reaper list so far. I have entitled it:
Bury Me Facedown:
1. Hang-glide
2. Help a complete stranger
3. Get published
4. Take a road trip around the USA using only public transportation
5. Attend an Olympic game
6. Have my portrait painted
7. Learn a foreign language
8. Buy a round the world ticket and run away from home
9. Don’t shave for a month
10. Give my mother 12 roses and tell her I love her
11. Be a member of the audience on a talk show
12. Be on Good Morning America
13. Send a message in a bottle
14. Ride a camel in the desert
15. Learn to ballroom dance
16. Fall in love – helplessly and unconditionally
17. Ride the Trans-Siberian Express across Asia
18. Sit on a jury
19. Stay out all night and go to work without going home
20. Attend Oktoberfest
21. Shower in a waterfall
22. Learn to play an instrument
23. Spend the night in a haunted house
24. Spend New Years in an exotic location
25. Kiss a complete stranger on New Years
26. Get passionate about a cause and spend time volunteering for it
27. Ask someone I just met on a date
28. Make a complete fool of myself
29. Own an expensive business suit
30. Write my will
31. Ride the tallest roller coaster
32. Spend the whole day reading a novel
33. Learn to juggle
34. Drive the Autobahn
35. Find a job I love
36. Spend Christmas on the beach
37. Donate money and have my name on something (scholarship, bench in the park)
38. Buy my own house
39. Grow a garden
40. Spend 3 months getting my body in shape
41. Drive a convertible with the top down and music blaring
42. Scuba dive at the Great Barrier Reef
43. Go to Vegas and lose more money than I can afford
44. Make love on the kitchen floor
45. Create my own website
46. Visit the Holy Land
47. Run a marathon
48. Set foot on all seven continents
49. Ride something bigger than a horse
50. Go surfing
51. Join the Peace Corps
52. Photograph an endangered species
53. Ride a train
54. Drive a racecar
55. Attempt to woo Craig Horner
56. Ride in a hot air balloon
57. Learn to fly a plane
58. Go rock climbing
59. Go Zorbing
60. Visit the 7 wonders of the Ancient world
61. Visit the 7 wonders of the Modern world
62. Go on a cruise
63. Make a New Year’s resolution and stick with it for a year
64. Be on the cover of GQ
65. Audition for a reality TV show
66. Spend a week at a 5 star spa
67. Adopt a pet from an animal shelter
68. Write a successful blog
69. Be a runway model in a Rock and Republic fashion show
70. Spend a day without looking at a clock, internet, and cell phone
71. Send my parents on a dream vacation
72. Own my own company
73. Read the Last Lecture and write a letter to the people who mean the most to me and the children I don’t have yet
74. Buy a round of drinks for everyone at a bar
75. Have an impulse food fight
76. Trust someone enough to tell them my secrets
77. Sit at a stranger’s table and eat with them at a restaurant
78. Be kissed in the rain
79. Get plastic surgery
80. Go to a film premier
81. Get a totem to pass on to my children
82. Meet Tom Ford
83. Bare all at a nudist beach
84. Meet Kristin Bell
85. Ride first class on a plane
86. Shop on Rodeo Drive
87. Drive a Ferrari
88. Make an irreplaceable and lifelong friend
89. Play childhood games with a group of friend (i.e. hide and seek)
90. Go a week without a cell phone
91. Sing in front of an audience
92. Grow my hair long enough to put in a ponytail
93. Visit the terminal ward at a children’s hospital and entertain the children