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Sunday, June 5, 2011

30 Day "Would You Rather" Challenge: Day 30

#30: Would you rather play with yourself in front of your best friend or have your best friend play WITH you?

Am I getting paid? Either really. I'll go with play with myself in front of my best friend.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

30 Day "Would You Rather" Challenge: Day 29

#29: Would you rather give up your computer or your pet?

I would give up my computer! I couldn't live without my dog. My computer cost me $1200 and my dog cost $100, but my computer doesn't give me loyalty and love.

Friday, June 3, 2011

30 Day "Would You Rather" Challenge: Day 28

#28: Would you rather eat 30 pounds of cheese in one sitting or a bucket of peanut butter without water?

I don't know if it's possible to eat a pound of cheese but I will chose that! Yum!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

30 Day "Would You Rather" Challenge: Day 27

#27: Would you rather marry a vain person or a person with poor image?

A vain person. I'm pretty vain and I can't stand people who are insecure with themselves.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

30 Day "Would You Rather" Challenge: Day 26

#26: Would you rather talk like Yoda or breath like Darth Vadar?

Talk like Yoda. He sounds awesome.